Everything You Need to Know About Promoting a Positive Body Image in Your Child
Jun 27, 2023A positive body image in your children is a HUGE part of your child's emotional and mental well-being.
We live in a society heavily influenced by unrealistic beauty standards. If you are a parent, it's essential to take an active role in shaping your family’s attitudes and beliefs towards their bodies.
It's not only food that plays a fundamental role in this journey. We also need to take a deep dive into the attitudes and beliefs towards bodies as well as a healthy mindset.
Read on as we explore what body image is, why it’s important, and practical ways that you can foster a positive body image in your family.
What is body image?
Body image is the thoughts, feelings and perceptions that we hold about ourselves. It’s the way that we see ourselves, the way we think others see us and the emotions associated with this. It’s not only what we see in the mirror - it’s shaped by our assumptions, beliefs and past experiences.
Why is it important?
Making sure your child develops a positive body image is vital for their self-esteem, confidence, and well-being.
There is strong research to show that the feelings, attitudes, and conversations parents have, can make or break how their child feels about themselves.
Negative talk about appearance, food, weight, and body shape in the home increases the risk of your child developing body image issues and disordered eating.
By taking care of what we say and do as parents and caregivers, we can teach our children to be confident in their own bodies.
Actions and words hold the power in shaping your child's attitudes and beliefs. This can break generational cycles, helping you raise a happy and healthy household.
Fostering positive body image through food
Food is without a doubt an essential aspect of nurturing a positive body image. But it also extends far beyond what they’re eating.
It also involves a healthy relationship with food and mindful eating habits.
Some ways that parents can do this include:
- Avoid labelling foods as "good" or "bad". Instead, focus on offering your children a wide variety of different foods and drinks
- Encourage your children to listen to their bodies' hunger and fullness cues.
- Involve all members of the family in meal planning, grocery shopping, and cooking.
Beyond Food: Attitudes and Beliefs
While it’s important to make sure your household has a balanced approach to nutrition, how your child feels in their bodies extends far beyond the types of foods you’re encouraging them to eat.
As a parent, your own attitudes and beliefs towards bodies have a profound impact on your child’s body image. This can be especially tricky if you grew up in a dieting household (I’m looking at you, #almondmom).
If you’re wanting to break the messages around food and bodies you grew up with, here are some tips to get started:
- Practice self-compassion and embrace their own bodies, serving as positive role models.
- Avoid making negative comments about their own or others' bodies.
- Encourage open conversations about body image, emotions, and self-worth.
- Promote media literacy and discuss unrealistic beauty standards portrayed in media.
Raising a family who feels confident around food and their bodies is complex and food is only one piece of the body-positive puzzle.
Ready to delve deeper and learn how to empower your household to be healthy eaters with confident bodies? Then I'd love to invite you to join Healthy Home Plates.
Healthy Home Plates is a 90-minute interactive masterclass running Tuesday 11 July, 2023. In it, you will gain complete clarity and a clear-cut plan that equips your family with lifelong healthy habits around food, a positive body image and emotional well-being.
You will walk away with actionable steps and strategies to help your children (and yourself) build a positive relationship with their bodies. Save your seat before July 6, 2023, and get access to a sweet juicy bonus valued at $70.00.